Belarusian Data Bases

The system contains statistical information in the evolution for a number of years on over 700 indicators characterizing economic, demographic, social and environmental situation in the Republic of Belarus. The system allows to form a query, quickly extract the necessary information from the data base, choose the way of presentation (table, graph, map), receive official statistical information from international sources, as well as compare the indicators characterizing the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus with those of other countries.

The System provides information on the size of the population permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, its location, age composition, marriage status, birth rate, national composition, native language, level of education, economic characteristics and population migration, composition of the households and their living conditions. The users may get extended data for analysis, as well as present the data in the form of tables, diagrams or cartograms.

It is a multipurpose tool for promoting and disseminating information about the progress towards gender equality in the Republic of Belarus. The portal provides up-to-date official statistical information and administrative data on gender-related issues and is an open information resource for all categories of users concerned with gender equality issues. The indicators of gender statistics are grouped into eight thematic sections and are presented in the evolution since 2000. The users may choose the way to present the information: in the form of tables, graphs and charts.

A universal information system that provides information on the situation of children in Belarus in the main areas of society life: demography, health care, education, justice, child welfare, etc.